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Drop into your body and senses...
Strengthen and celebrate your unique feminine magnificence...
Awaken and connect with your sensual nature.

About Us

Sensual Embodied Dance is an invitation to awaken, nourish, and celebrate the deep, untamed beauty of your essence. Life may have dulled your sensuality, caged your desires, or quieted your inner knowing—but here, in a sacred space of sisterhood (no men, no mirrors, no judgment), you will set yourself free. Through music and movement, breath and emotion, you will unlock the pleasure of being fully alive in your body.
Strength and softness, wildness and grace—every part of you is welcome. You will move, stretch, and flow, feeling yourself grow stronger, more fluid, more electric. Witnessing the raw power and beauty of the women around you, you’ll remember: You are magnificent.
Rooted in years of study with master teachers, this practice is sensual, healing, and wildly fun. It’s a workout, a love affair, a revolution inside your skin. And it’s all waiting for you.

Ali Kegley Kole
Relationship and Sensuality Guide.
Certified by John Wineland and S Factor. Helping women and couples reignite passion and intimacy. Semi retired CEO, passionate wife, radiant feminine being.

Leigh Johnson
Sensually Embodied trained movement goddess. Coach and muse of the empowered feminine. Passionate wife and mother. Radiant sensual feminine being.
Kirby Stein
Sensually Embodied trained movement goddess. Educator and liberator of feminine empowerment. Musical sensai. Radiant sensual feminine being
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